NASA SDO - Rolling Wave


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The sun is more than 92 million miles away, but you can almost feel a ripple of heat when watching NASA's incredible footage of its fiery hiccup.

The burst comes from a coronal mass ejection (CME) that erupted from the sun this week, creating a gigantic rolling wave of fire.

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) caught the explosion on camera. While it's only 13 seconds long, the video covers about two and a half hours, so the seemingly slow-mo bubble is actually sped up a lot. The footage was taken in extreme ultraviolet light, a method commonly used in solar imaging.

CMEs — massive bursts of solar winds often associated with solar flares — can shoot more than 1 billion tons of particles into space at a speed faster than 1 million miles per hour. According to NASA, this particular CME that occurred May 1 is not headed our way, so it won't pose any threat to Earth.

This event pales by comparison to April's massive solar flare. According to SDO, it was the most powerful solar flare of the year. The flare was so big that it temporarily knocked out radio communications on Earth.

funny how it coincides with a tv program on syfy about a similar thing lol.
Exploding Sun

Exploding Sun, Episode 2: Part One

Disaster miniseries. The world's first commercial space shuttle is struck by a solar storm which supercharges the ship's engine and catapults it on a direct course for the sun. The danger becomes cataclysmic when it's discovered that the event is triggering a much larger solar storm that could destroy human civilisation. With David James Elliott, Anthony Lemke, and Julia Ormond.



if it happens for real no need to panic dont think bugger all one could do :beg::beg: