Network id not listed what to try next?

Going to try and explain as much as possible. Im on a miraclebox with openvix...

When I go to menu on remote....

Setup-tuner config-tuner setup-select- scroll down to network id, here I can put in whatever network id i want so I pick my area which is wirral 41048. Saved and sorted.

Again back to menu on remote...

Setup-tuner config-autobouquetsmaker-providers-virgin UK yes

When I get to virgin area I don't get my area from the drop down menu/lists. Just two for Liverpool, after my bouquets update each day I lose my channels and have to rescan.

Is there a way I can add wirral to the list so I can pick it in auto bouquets maker? Keep getting sid not found in PAT after scan. I'm definitely putting the wirral in as my area.

Any advice would be great.

No need to set tuner up if your then going to scan with ABM.

41048 is Manchester
Find that one and scan using that.

Turn off the auto scan feature, there's little point as Channels don't move much. It's easier to just rescan if any Channels disappear
it does no harm setting it in both, there may be occasion where you need to do an automatic scan which would need the netid set in tuner config