"No Free Tuner" Error keeps appearing


Hi there,

I'm having an issue where I keep getting the error message "no free tuner" and am unable to watch the majority of channels. I reboot the box and this normally fixes the problem however it seems to be happening at least once or twice a day.

I've tried rescanning the autobouquets maker nut i get the error message "Cannot find NIM" or something along those lines.

Is this an issue with the cccam or autobouquets? ANyone have a solution

Hi there,

I'm having an issue where I keep getting the error message "no free tuner" and am unable to watch the majority of channels. I reboot the box and this normally fixes the problem however it seems to be happening at least once or twice a day.

I've tried rescanning the autobouquets maker nut i get the error message "Cannot find NIM" or something along those lines.

Is this an issue with the cccam or autobouquets? ANyone have a solution

No free tuner errors come up if all your tuners are busy recording. In my experience, that is.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
What image and what version u running dude?

Id check ur cablIng ends and redo.
Also whats ur signal strength any channel when it happens? Dish/lnb could be off
Check you recording and playback settings for margin before and after recording. I have mine set at 1 each.
I had an issue with this a few years ago with my Vu+ box turned out it was one of the connectors on the Lnb had somehow worked a bit loose redone it and all was good again.
do you have your box set up for streaming from outside your home network?? ports opened on router?? maby somebody has hacked in and is watching your tv. Happens to me all the time, bstards!! I change the default ports and passwords but somehow they still get in, even with openwebif turned off. wish i new how they do it, but anyway if you have yours set up for remote streaming maybe thats what it is!!
I had this issue, and found that one of my 2 cables into the back was not making a good conection. The F-connector was effectively hanging off. I just remade the connection between cable and F-con and screwed it up tight to the LNB input. Worked fine ever since.

Check your cables first would be my tip.
Box info:

System OE:OE-Alliance 2.3
Firmware version:Apollo.142
Driver date:20140103
Kernel version:3.17.3
Gui version:2015-02-09
Tuner A:BCM7346 (internal) (DVB-S2)
Tuner B:AVL6211 (DVB-S2)

I do have the Dreamdroid app which I use to stream form my box to an android tv box locally. I also have the blackbox app on my iphone which i use to stream remotely so this may be the case.

In any instance I'll check the connectors and update you guys. The fact that when I reboot the box all the channels come back online makes me think its more along the lines of other devices streaming from my box.

Thanks for all your help everyone!
excatly, ..same story as myself. Blackbox app, must look that up iv never heard about it, is it good for the iphone? i find timote is best for streaming but only available on android.
Yeah works really well! Have it on my iPad and iPhone. Set up an dynamic DNS so that when my public IP changes on my connection it will still work.

Mind you, I'll be changing the standard ports and firewall settings on my router now!