Phoenix a850


I have a phoenix a850 stuck on boot. If i reflashed the OS will that fix it? And does any1 have the software to flash it?

so you followed this guide?

(1) Format a usb pen drive to FAT32 on your PC first

(2) Then get the file you have downloaded and copy it across to the usb then

(3) Turn the box off at the back and put the USB into the front of the box

(4) Then turn the power back on to the box when the box powers up go to the menu and select Software upgrade press ok

(5) Then allow the box to reboot, after that you will see the cable scan option just scan as with the older box

Ps if you see on screen usb initializing all the time your USB pen has not been formatted to Fat 32
Even when i currently put the box on i am unable to see any menu. It just flashes boot on the box
