question on internet for openbox v8s


hi everyone what would you say should be a min internet speed for the sky boxes working on wifi

My mum only has 2mb BB in her area and i was going to make her a box up but was unsure if thats a bit slow ?

do you think this would cause freezing ?

Hmm tricky one, I would say that speed was OK if hard wired, always risky via the wifi tho, homeplugs an option?
Speed not important unless the connection gets battered in the household, stable ping is the key, a box can run on ISDN (128k) as long as the ping is below 250ms and stable....WiFi is a different matter as its unique to each property conditions, leaking microwaves, cordless doorbells, solid walls, baby monitors, etc
min 2mb as long as the net not hammered. seen skybox work of a sim card dongle at 2mb just fine

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