Recent Frimware Upgrade CFG File Query


Just upgrade my BM5000s to the latest firmware from the BM website. Made a slight error - I dont have my N-line details, as my server guy, has disapeared, but the server is still running was hoping to recover these.

I upgraded using the BM5000s-07-07-14-r32720-App-Only.

Have I lost my old CFG file with my old server details in? I note now menu 9991 no longer works so can't get them from here.

Thanks in advance.

Just upgrade my BM5000s to the latest firmware from the BM website. Made a slight error - I dont have my N-line details, as my server guy, has disapeared, but the server is still running was hoping to recover these.

I upgraded using the BM5000s-07-07-14-r32720-App-Only.

Have I lost my old CFG file with my old server details in? I note now menu 9991 no longer works so can't get them from here.

Thanks in advance.
if you've flashed with the official blade firmware then you would not be able access your line in any case. its only the 3rd party unofficial + 9991 option firmware that gives you this option.
unfortunately for you my friend is if you haven't made a copy or backup of your line and you cant contact your server then the jig is up as they say..!!
new line required but there very cheap now.
Could I update over the officially blade update with a 3rd party? And then access 9991 or will I require a full flash?
Could I update over the officially blade update with a 3rd party? And then access 9991 or will I require a full flash?
yeah no probs.just get the latest firmware off this forum .it will be in the downloads section and just flash .pretty straight forward

Just upgrade my BM5000s to the latest firmware from the BM website. Made a slight error - I dont have my N-line details, as my server guy, has disapeared, but the server is still running was hoping to recover these.

I upgraded using the BM5000s-07-07-14-r32720-App-Only.

Have I lost my old CFG file with my old server details in? I note now menu 9991 no longer works so can't get them from here.

Thanks in advance.
if you've flashed with the official blade firmware then you would not be able access your line in any case. its only the 3rd party unofficial + 9991 option firmware that gives you this option.
unfortunately for you my friend is if you haven't made a copy or backup of your line and you cant contact your server then the jig is up as they say..!!
new line required but there very cheap now.

Hi Mate,

How do you copy/backup your line details? as all the important options in the 9991 menu are starred out?
Hi There

If you can't find your server guy or you haven't wrote them down you are pretty much screwed in afraid. In future keep a copy in your documents folder on a notepad file it takes 2 minutes m8.
