Recording causes box to freeze


On a few occasions now I have set a recording and it has overrun and caused the box to freeze; i.e, the VIX logo spinning in corner and the remote control not working and the recording still active. I have to do a manual reset to stop the box; on checking the record status it can be 2 3 or more hours despite setting for an hour plus a bit either side.
This happens at different times of day, the record settings appear to be OK when first set.
Any ideas?
when the vix spins it does not let you do anything,so do you have a swap file setup and cacheflush plugin downloaded as memory.if i do a recording i press first the channel i want to record then red button then epg comes up select program green and green again leaves a recording icon.make sure time setting and clock settings are correct as my max1000 is 1 hr out lol.
I have been recording as you do, however did not have the swapfile set up nor the cacheflush plugin downloaded. I have now activated the swapfile and dowloaded the plugin, but the plugin does not seem to appear anywhere so not sure if this is set up properly, it does not show up in the plugins nor as available to download?