Software update miraclebox


I have noticed in the set up section of the miraclebox there is a software update option. Should I be updating regularly or could updating give me problems with current settings. Thanks in advance

if box is working perfectly you can leave it.some updates require a new flash setup as box cannot update new redesigned program,if you have a internal/external hdd you can do a backup to store and if crap happens you can restore it.i update every 6 months to a new flash image when needed.
Thanks for the info mate. I will leave it just now as Im having no issues at the moment and don't want to tempt fate.
Has anyone used the new Openvix V4.1 Image? I am still on Version 3.2 and wondering if there is any benefit with updating.
Has anyone used the new Openvix V4.1 Image? I am still on Version 3.2 and wondering if there is any benefit with updating.

Using it - no noticeable difference to the user

If it ain't broke don't fix it

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As said above, most updates are just slight bug fixes and tweeks that you never notice.

I tend to update every couple of months, when I remember lol

However, if your image gets too old you will loose the facility to update over the net, so
you would have to do it by USB and set the box up from scratch.

Goodbye space station, hello country lane lol