Someone's image or DIY Image


TK Veteran
Just wondering if people like doing there own firmware image builds for their boxes or are you happy just using someone's pre made build, let them do the hard work for you.

so which are you DIY or pre-made?
Like most, I started off with pre-made, but after a while I realised I was adjusting it quite a bit to suit my needs. So then I decided to build my own from scratch, thanks mainly to kiddac's guide. I prefer doing it that way because you can add only the stuff that you want from the bottom up and get it the way you like it without risking any errors from removing unwanted plugins, etc. ;)
I like to flash my box myself, this way its done to how I want it BUT the images from other users are great for those who just want to get the box up and running and then leave them alone, not everyone "techy" enough to setup a box so I have huge respect for those who offer the images.