TSPanel Help


Hi Guys, just got openpli setup (latest). put enigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel_7.3_mips32el.ipk into my /tmp folder put is not showing. Could someone help me out or point me to a tutorial. Thanks
tspanel might not work with open pli. open pli is a very basic image. i dont think even autoboquets works on it.
Thanks mike123, I have got it installed now and working along with autoboquets.

To be honest i thought openpli was the best one to use and then openvix?
openvix is known to be the best. then blackhole open pli comes third down the list there are a few others but no one uses them. however, if you are happy that is all that really matters.
I have got it installed now and working along with autoboquets.
Yes, I've installed TSPanels - though it is still rather flaky (at least one of the options blue-screened my box) and it doesn't seem to have much that's actually useful to me, so I doubt that I'll keep it.
However could you please tell me how you installed Autobouquets - which buttons to press, if poss?