uk users


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Note to Broadband Users on BT, EE, Sky, TalkTalk, Virgin Media

If you’re located in the United Kingdom and are having issues finalizing your FreeTelly setup, getting errors when running certain addons or even having trouble accessing certain web sites, this guide will likely solve your problems. This is for all users of BT, EE, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media internet service!

It has come to our attention that for unknown reasons, the majority of internet service providers located in the United Kingdom seem to be shipping modems that come with strange security settings. It seems that these overly protective security settings have made it so that users cannot even access certain completely legitimate sites.

Based on what we’ve seen, we would strongly recommend disabling these security settings, regardless of whether you’re a Kodi user or not, if a free and open internet is something that matters to you.

Please keep in mind that certain questionable type streaming sites have been blocked from the United Kingdom in general, you’ll need a VPN Service to access those sites, it has nothing to do with the issue here.


Disable Parental Controls

Switch Off Smart Setup

Switch Off Orange Safeguard

Switch Off Sky Broadband Shield

Switch Off HomeSafe
Virgin Media

Turn Off Web Safe

Toodaloo! We hope that by now you’re enjoy Kodi addons in all of their splendor. If you found this guide to be helpful, please share it with your friends so that they too can solve their Kodi problems. It would also be a good idea to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, in order to stay up to date with all the latest Kodi addons and tools.