URGENT Help Needed?


Guys I really need some help and hope someone can help me.

So I when I turn the box on today it comes up with message on TV saying check cable signal. Now I have unscrewed all cables and screwed them back in but nothing comes on.

What has happened all of a sudden and can this be fixed?

I am slightly concerned at whats happened.
Looks like yor TV isn't getting a signal from the satellite box, have you tried a different HDMI cable? Also try the HDMI cable in a different input port and see if you get a picture that way.
OK, so you tried different HDMI cable, tried a different HDMI port and I assume you've checked its on the correct HDMI Channel. Your getting picture from another device line a DVD player or your TV ariel just not your sat box?. Which sat box is it?
Yep I have done everything mate.

I have used a different hdmi cable, different hdmi port and made sure its on the right HDMI channel but still nothing.

Its a technomate combo box. So neither sat or cable is working.
Then unless someone else knows what to do I'd say yor box is buggered, you should be geting something, even the menu options so no siganl at all even though its turned on says faulty box
Hi does the technomate combo box, have scart connection - if yes connect to box then av1 - select av1 on tv see if you get any display showing

it sounds like HDMI port on box is blown - you should never connect an HDMI cable if box is powered on as voltage is passed through HDMI, can easily blow tv hdmi Input or Box hdmi
box should still work with no cable or sat feed as you can get at the menu,was there outside area issues locally for you? as for sat it should be giving you a signal,dish and lnb still there.