V8S No program found


Hi all, Looks like I may have messed up. I've been trying a couple of test lines on my V8S. The last one ran out yesterday, and instead of a green "scrambled" icon I now get a blue "No Signal" icon. All channels have been lost. I have tried a single satalite search and I get a "No program found" box appearing.

I thought my satalite dish must be at fault. I plugged an old sky box in and it picked up all the channels ok.

Reconnected my V8s and did a search, No programs found.

Can anyone come up with a solution for this.

many thanks in advance.

you've answered your own question a test line only lasts for 24hrs, you need to subscribe to a server
and then download ajsats channel list
thats not a line issue even if line has run out,did you check where you have your fconnector plugged into and scanning correct sat?
It appears to have been my box. I have borrowed another box from a friend (We both bought the same box at the same time) and it loads up the channels no problem. retry my box and the No programs found box appears.

It seems that my box has a faulty reciever.