Whats the difference in this bouquet information


When I'm using OpenWebIf to create my own bouquets (VM cable line) I notice that lots of HD channels appear twice and the only difference appears to be the small (SD) or (HD) near the channel name - I've included a screen grab to demonstrate.
Does anyone know what the difference is? Both channels appear to be of HD quality on screen so it's not an indicator of that, I'm just curious if I should be using one over the other?
Are you sure you're not searching all bouquets because on mine, I only have 1 on there.

Remember to change settings in autobouquetsmaker so it doesn't delete all non-abm bouquets on the scheduled overnight scan too ;)
It's just the list of available channels from my source that I can create my own bouquet from.
Doesn't seem like anyone knows the answer to my question though.

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