Wii v4.2u

Will this work on the v4.2u? and There is no file to down load off of this site. I've tried using hackmii and Bannerbomb method but the system freezes up. Any ideas or is there no hack for this version
there is a problem with the download section, the link to the file is here,
i updated the last Wii i softmodded to 4.2 in the last few weeks, I cant remember if it was the 4.2u version, though i imagine it was if that is what is on yours. the software above is to be used in conjunction with the tutorial that is linked in had's post. just shout back if that hasn't answered your question bigdawg.
During step 9 when I select IOS249 the wii shuts off my controllers and won't let them turn back on. Can I use a different ios port?
I was able to finally load everything onto my wii but in step 9 and 10 I used IOS250 instead of IOS 249. Whenver I selected IOS249 it would shut off my controllers and I couldn't turn them back on. Thanks to everybody who offered advice :)
well done bigdawg, it is always a great achievement to get your first one done, i am sure your sister will love you even more now...