XE 3.0.6 issue - Import bouquets working but EPG will not import

I'm in the middle of reflashing, but looking down them they were all the same except Picon location - this was usr/... which gave a fault (couldn't find location). media/hdd gave a workspace error. This is why I'm thinking there must be a problem with the storage. The USB stick works fine, and was initialised fine, but it's problematic with XE. I'm hoping it's down to the SD Card slot which the i55 plus boxes have. I'll let you know.

If flashing with infinity choose the wb slyhd skin
I'm in the middle of reflashing, but looking down them they were all the same except Picon location - this was usr/... which gave a fault (couldn't find location). media/hdd gave a workspace error. This is why I'm thinking there must be a problem with the storage. The USB stick works fine, and was initialised fine, but it's problematic with XE. I'm hoping it's down to the SD Card slot which the i55 plus boxes have. I'll let you know.

Make sure the SD card is correctly mounted to media/hdd. Go into Menu > Info Panel > Plugins > Mount Manager (from memory). Even if it's saying it's mounted to media/hdd, create the mount again - I've had to do this a number of different times. Sometimes I've had to re-format the stick/card and then intialise and/or mount it again.