Zgemma mac address


Hi all
I have a tivo box with L subscription in the next room. With a zgemma h2h in the other, this has no line at the moment so only have channels 1-5 sd.
Can I change my zgemma mac adress to the same as tivo box to receive these extra channels & box will work independently? Will I have to change the box name aswell?
dont think it will work m8

if you do try it make sure you take note of your zgemma mac adress before you change it

change the box name, has virmin can see your router details anyway..
it can be done as I have done it myself

be aware this requires experience of Linux OS

using putty telnet to the box

type following command

vi /etc/network/interfaces

you wil see the network config file

press the INSERT or INS key

go down to following line

iface eth0 inet dhcp

now under that line type following

hwaddress ether <mac address>

obviously substitute mac address

now press ESC key



(yes colon then w then q) which means write and quit

restart box for new mac address to become active