Zgemma not fully populating EPG

Hi all, I'm having some difficulty setting up a H2H box on VM for my dad - I've got a H2S and had no problem at all.

Both are running the excellent Wooshbuild 3.03 and updated online.

The problem I'm having is that the EPG on the cable box is not populated in all the tabs i.e. I have the EPG in the

'Last Scanned' tab only - all other tabs are blank. This makes finding programs nigh on impossible. It's obviously getting

the data from the Rytec server but it's not being sorted by CrossEPG I guess! One thing I did notice was that the VM server was

not in the OpenTV providers tab in CrossEPG, not sure if it should be.

Can anyone point me to the likely culprit please.

Hey mate, lots on here about it. It will never be great using either of the usual importers. Tell him to leave it on a preview channel for 5 mins when he makes his morning cuppa. It should be complete when he comes back! ;) search epg refresh and zap timer on here to automate it....