ZGemma Sky List Bouquet


I have a Zgemma box and i'm looking for a bouquet list that i can upload and export to give me channels in the same order as sky

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

want to buy a zgemma s2 with gift so plug in and play any sugestions and how mutch to pay

Find a zgemma box of fleabay, cheap enough then goto the zgemma section Zgemma-star 2S and flash your box with a pre-set image (sucmnsee image is good) and then request a line from here: http://www.techkings.org/general-sa...pay-server-request-only-september-2015-a.html this way you can set the box up how you want it and save yourself a few quid.

You will get all the help you need on this forum to get you up and running in no time, if not then post a wanted ad in this section: Items Wanted.