Slyk Skin Mods v5

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ok this is where I am at with the toppicks mod


it's not finished as frustratingly you can't scrape the required pages. They just kick you out. (there's a shock)

screen 1 - brings in the latest sky cinema images
screen 2 - brings in the latest top dvds from zavvi
screen 3 - is a random cinema
screen 4 - is a random cinema
screen 5 - latest sky cinema
screen 6 - is a random cinema.

overlayed picons are correct for 1,2,5. They are wrong for the others as not worked out yet how to get atlantic and living images. I could just created an offline file but we are trying to automate this.

There are two top picks titles as I am still undecided where to put bouquets/menus. I was just faffing.

All the other layout is pixel pefect. And all template driven so you can hide/show whatever you like.

all my files are in the the following zip. Script has been moved into usr/scripts as this way you can then reassign a button (i.e portal) to to a job run on this script. For testing purposes. It has also been amended for my links and a better randomisation.

I am off out now so I thought I would upload to see if its of any use to anyone who is faffing tonight.

View attachment
ha ha bilal... if you use something like free xml wrench program. It has a code checker built into it. It will tell you want your error is.

    <screen name="ListTemplate">
        <widget name="list" position="107,152" size="648,501" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" foregroundColorSelected="skydarkblue" backgroundColorSelected="skygold" foregroundColorEvent="guidecolor" foregroundColorEventSelected="skydarkblue" foregroundColorMarked="white" foregroundColorMarkedSelected="red" backgroundColorMarked="skydarkblue" backgroundColorMarkedSelected="skygold" foregroundColorServiceNotAvail="verydarkgrey" selectionPixmap="myselectbars/bar-36.png" colorServiceRecorded="red" serviceItemHeight="36" serviceNameFont="Regular;21" serviceInfoFont="Regular;21" serviceNumberFont="Regular;21" picServiceEventProgressbar="myprogressbars/progress-50-6.png" progressbarHeight="6" progressbarBorderWidth="1" progressBarWidth="50" colorEventProgressbar="skygold" colorEventProgressbarSelected="skydarkblue" colorEventProgressbarBorder="white" colorEventProgressbarBorderSelected="skydarkblue" fieldMargins="10" nonplayableMargins="10" itemsDistances="10" transparent="1" zPosition="4" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
    <screen name="RadioListTemplate">
        <widget name="list" position="107,152" size="648,501" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="black" foregroundColorSelected="black" backgroundColorSelected="white" foregroundColorEvent="skyblue" foregroundColorEventSelected="black" foregroundColorMarked="white" foregroundColorMarkedSelected="black" backgroundColorMarked="black" backgroundColorMarkedSelected="skygold" foregroundColorServiceNotAvail="verydarkgrey" colorServiceRecorded="red" serviceItemHeight="36" serviceNameFont="Regular;21" serviceInfoFont="Regular;21" serviceNumberFont="Regular;21" picServiceEventProgressbar="myprogressbars/progress-50-6.png" progressbarHeight="6" progressbarBorderWidth="1" progressBarWidth="50" colorEventProgressbar="skygold" colorEventProgressbarSelected="black" colorEventProgressbarBorder="white" colorEventProgressbarBorderSelected="black" foregroundColorService="white" backgroundColorService="black" foregroundColorServiceSelected="black" fieldMargins="10" itemsDistances="10" nonplayableMargins="10" transparent="0" zPosition="4" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
    <!-- templates -->
    <screen name="NowName">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="811,408" size="358,24" foregroundColor="guidecolor" font="Regular;18" halign="left" valign="center" noWrap="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NowName</convert>
    <screen name="NowStartTime">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="800,364" size="70,38" foregroundColor="white" font="Regular;18" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="center" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">StartTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H.%M</convert>
    <screen name="NowEndTime">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1110,364" size="70,38" foregroundColor="white" font="Regular;18" noWrap="1" halign="left" valign="center" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">EndTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H.%M</convert>
    <screen name="NowDescription">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=top,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap" position="811,434" size="358,163" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="white" valign="top" transparent="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>
    <screen name="NextName">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="811,607" size="255,21" foregroundColor="guidecolor" font="Regular;16" halign="left" valign="top" noWrap="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NextName</convert>
    <screen name="NextStartTime">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1057,607" size="60,21" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">NextStartTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H.%M</convert>
    <screen name="NextEndTime">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1120,607" size="60,21" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">NextEndTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:- %H.%M</convert>
    <screen name="LaterName">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="811,632" size="255,21" foregroundColor="guidecolor" font="Regular;16" halign="left" valign="top" noWrap="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">ThirdName</convert>
    <screen name="LaterStartTime">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1057,632" size="60,21" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">ThirdStartTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H.%M</convert>
    <screen name="LaterEndTime">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1120,632" size="60,21" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">ThirdEndTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:- %H.%M</convert>
    <!-- layout 2 -->
    <screen name="NowDescription2">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=top,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap" position="811,434" size="358,91" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="white" valign="top" transparent="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>
    <screen name="NextName2">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="811,535" size="255,21" foregroundColor="guidecolor" font="Regular;16" halign="left" valign="top" noWrap="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NextName</convert>
    <screen name="NextStartTime2">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1057,535" size="60,21" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">NextStartTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H.%M</convert>
    <screen name="NextEndTime2">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1120,535" size="60,21" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">NextEndTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:- %H.%M</convert>
    <screen name="NextDescription2">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="811,556" size="354,91" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="white" valign="top" transparent="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NextDescription</convert>
    <screen name="GuideProgressBar">
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Progress" position="882,381" pixmap="myprogressbars/progress-214-6.png" size="214,6" backgroundColor="#0008142a" transparent="0" borderWidth="0" zPosition="5">
            <convert type="EventTime">Progress</convert>
    <!-- main screens - defined in extras.xml -->
    <screen name="ChannelSelection1">
        <panel name="template2" />
        <panel name="v5-tv-guide" />
        <panel name="t2-bottom-right-bg" />
        <panel name="ListTemplate" />
        <panel name="NowName" />
        <panel name="NowStartTime" />
                <panel name="NowEndTime" />
        <panel name="NowDescription" />
        <panel name="NextName" />
        <panel name="NextStartTime" />
                <panel name="NextEndTime" />
        <ePixmap position="811,603" size="358,2" pixmap="div-h.png" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" />
        <panel name="LaterName" />
        <panel name="LaterStartTime" />
        <panel name="LaterEndTime" />
        <panel name="GuideProgressBar" />
        <panel name="t2-4RGYB" />
        <panel name="t2-MenuButton" />
        <panel name="t2-InfoButton-pos2" />
    <screen name="ChannelSelection2">
        <panel name="template2" />
        <panel name="v5-tv-guide" />
        <panel name="t2-bottom-right-bg" />
        <panel name="ListTemplate" />
        <panel name="NowName" />
        <panel name="NowStartTime" />
        <panel name="NowEndTime" />
        <panel name="NowDescription2" />
        <panel name="NextName2" />
        <panel name="NextStartTime2" />
        <panel name="NextEndTime2" />
        <panel name="NextDescription2" />
        <ePixmap position="811,531" size="358,2" pixmap="div-h.png" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" />
        <panel name="GuideProgressBar" />
        <panel name="t2-4RGYB" />
        <panel name="t2-MenuButton" />
        <panel name="t2-InfoButton-pos2" />
    <!-- new spacious layout -->
    <screen name="ChannelSelection3">
        <panel name="template3" />
        <panel name="v5-tv-guide" />
        <!-- tv -->
        <widget source="session.VideoPicture" render="Pig" position="793,140" size="210,122" backgroundColor="transparent" transparent="1" />
             <eLabel  position="798,145" size="200,112" backgroundColor="transparent" zPosition="4"/>
        <widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Label" position="798,235" size="199,14" font="Bold;11" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="transparent" borderWidth="1" borderColor="black" transparent="1" valign="center" halign="center" noWrap="1" zPosition="6">
            <convert type="ServiceName">Name</convert>
        <!-- progress bar -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Progress" position="798,251" pixmap="myprogressbars/progress-200-6.png" size="200,6" backgroundColor="#0009142d" transparent="0" borderWidth="0" zPosition="5">
            <convert type="EventTime">Progress</convert>
        <!-- program time -->
        <eLabel text="Time:" position="1018,145" size="80,18" valign="top" halign="left" font="Regular;16" noWrap="0" transparent="1" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="backgroundtop" zPosition="3" />
         <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1078,145" size="50,22" foregroundColor="white" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="3">
            <convert type="EventTime">StartTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H.%M</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1094,145" size="90,22" foregroundColor="white" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="3">
            <convert type="EventTime">EndTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:- %H.%M</convert>
        <!-- program duration -->
        <eLabel text="Duration:" position="1018,168" size="80,18" valign="top" halign="left" font="Regular;16" noWrap="0" transparent="1" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="backgroundtop" zPosition="3" />
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1094,168" size="90,18" halign="right" valign="top" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="backgroundtop" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" transparent="1" zPosition="3">
            <convert type="EventTime">Duration</convert>
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykAsLength</convert>
        <!-- picon -->
        <ePixmap position="1018,197" size="100,60" pixmap="mybackgrounds/tv-picon-bg-25.png" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" />
        <widget source="Service" render="Picon" position="1018,197" size="100,60" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" zPosition="2">
            <convert type="ServiceName">Reference</convert>
        <ePixmap position="798,267" size="386,2" pixmap="div-h.png" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" />
        <!-- now name -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="798,274" size="386,24" foregroundColor="guidecolor" font="Regular;18" halign="left" valign="top" noWrap="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NowName</convert>
        <!-- now description -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=top,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap" position="798,298" size="386,180" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="white" valign="top" transparent="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>
        <ePixmap position="798,488" size="386,2" pixmap="div-h.png" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" />
        <!-- next name -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="798,493" size="280,21" foregroundColor="guidecolor" font="Regular;16" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NextName</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1080,493" size="50,21" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">NextStartTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H.%M</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1134,493" size="50,22" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">NextEndTime</convert>
            <convert type="ClockToText">Format:- %H.%M</convert>
        <!-- next decription -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="798,516" size="386,147" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="white" valign="top" transparent="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NextDescription</convert>
        <panel name="ListTemplate" />
        <panel name="t2-4RGYB" />
        <panel name="t2-MenuButton" />
        <panel name="t2-InfoButton-pos2" />
    <!-- epgselection > menu > import from EPG -->
    <screen name="SimpleChannelSelection" position="0,0" size="1280,720" backgroundColor="backgroundmid" transparent="0" flags="wfNoBorder">
        <panel name="ChannelSelection" />
    <!--  alternative channel list service mode - available via context menu -->
    <!-- not used in this skin - clone channelselect instead -->
    <screen name="SlimChannelSelection" position="0,0" size="1280,720" backgroundColor="backgroundmid" transparent="0" flags="wfNoBorder">
        <panel name="ChannelSelection" />
    <screen name="ChannelSelectionRadio" position="0,0" size="1280,720" backgroundColor="transparent" transparent="0" flags="wfNoBorder">
        <ePixmap position="center,46" size="700,290" pixmap="mybackgrounds/radio-list-bg.png" alphatest="blend" zPosition="-1" />
        <widget name="list" position="center,54" size="640,280" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="#0c081a3d" foregroundColorSelected="#081a3d" backgroundColorSelected="white" foregroundColorEvent="skylightblue" foregroundColorEventSelected="#081a3d" foregroundColorMarked="red" foregroundColorMarkedSelected="red" backgroundColorMarked="#081a3d" backgroundColorMarkedSelected="#081a3d" foregroundColorServiceNotAvail="verydarkgrey" colorServiceRecorded="red" serviceItemHeight="36" serviceNameFont="Regular;16" serviceInfoFont="Regular;16" serviceNumberFont="Regular;16" picServiceEventProgressbar="myprogressbars/progress-50-6.png" progressbarHeight="6" progressbarBorderWidth="1" progressBarWidth="50" colorEventProgressbar="skyblue" colorEventProgressbarSelected="black" colorEventProgressbarBorder="white" colorEventProgressbarBorderSelected="black" foregroundColorService="white" backgroundColorService="#081a3d" foregroundColorServiceSelected="white" fieldMargins="10" itemsDistances="10" nonplayableMargins="10" transparent="1" zPosition="4" scrollbarMode="showNever" />
        <ePixmap position="108,367" size="1064,307" pixmap="mybackgrounds/radioinfobar.png" alphatest="blend" zPosition="-1" />
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="123,377" size="120,36" font="Bold;28" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" valign="top" zPosition="3" noWrap="1">
            <convert type="EventTime">StartTime</convert>
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykHDTime</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="233,377" size="794,36" font="Bold;28" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" valign="top" zPosition="3" noWrap="1">
            <convert type="EventName">Name</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=top,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap" position="123,413" size="1023,105" font="Regular;25" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" valign="top" zPosition="3">
            <convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>
        <widget source="Service" render="Label" position="123,523" size="794,36" font="Bold;28" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" valign="center" halign="left" noWrap="1">
            <convert type="ServiceName">Name</convert>
        <ePixmap position="619,527" size="20,29" pixmap="myicons/radio.png" alphatest="blend" zPosition="-1" />
        <widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="917,523" size="240,36" font="Regular;24" foregroundColor="skylightblue" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" valign="center" halign="right" transparent="1" zPosition="2">
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykHDDate</convert>
        <eLabel text="Now" render="Label" position="142,562" size="280,36" font="Regular;26" halign="left" valign="center" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="#003f7abc" transparent="1" />
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="142,598" size="477,36" font="Regular;26" noWrap="1" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" valign="center">
            <convert type="EventName">Name</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="642,562" size="120,36" font="Regular;26" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="#003f7abc" transparent="1" noWrap="1" valign="center">
            <convert type="EventTime">NextStartTime</convert>
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykHDTime</convert>
        <!-- next event -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="642,598" size="496,36" font="Regular;26" noWrap="1" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" valign="center">
            <convert type="EventName">NextNameOnly</convert>
        <!-- record icon-->
        <widget alphatest="blend" pixmap="icons/icon_rec_sm.png" position="1127,573" render="Pixmap" size="20,20" source="session.RecordState" zPosition="5">
            <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
        <ePixmap pixmap="myicons/up-down-white.png" position="133,646" size="36,20" alphatest="blend" backgroundColor="transparent" transparent="1" zPosition="4" />
        <eLabel text="Channels" position="175,636" size="114,38" font="Regular;26" halign="left" valign="center" backgroundColor="#003f7abc" foregroundColor="white" transparent="1" />
        <ePixmap pixmap="buttons/key_blue.png" position="850,643" size="24,24" alphatest="blend" backgroundColor="transparent" transparent="1" zPosition="4" />
        <eLabel text="Last/Fav" position="880,636" size="114,38" font="Regular;26" halign="left" valign="center" backgroundColor="#003f7abc" foregroundColor="white" transparent="1" />
    <!-- channel select menu -->
    <screen name="ChannelContextMenu" position="0,0" size="1280,720" backgroundColor="backgroundmid" transparent="0" flags="wfNoBorder">
        <panel name="template2" />
        <panel name="v5-tv-guide" />
        <widget name="menu" position="107,152" size="648,501" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" itemHeight="30" transparent="1" selectionPixmap="myselectbars/bar-30.png" zPosition="4" />
    <!-- prev / next button -->
    <screen name="HistoryZapSelector" position="0,47" size="432,626" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent">
        <ePixmap pixmap="mybackgrounds/history-zap-bg.png" position="0,0" size="432,626" zPosition="-1" />
        <widget source="Title" render="Label" position="15,5" size="402,38" valign="center" halign="left" font="Bold;26" zPosition="1" transparent="1" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" />
        <widget source="menu" render="Listbox" position="5,48" size="422,490" scrollbarMode="showNever" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColorSelected="skygold" foregroundColorSelected="skydarkblue" selectionPixmap="myselectbars/bar-90.png" transparent="1">
            <convert type="TemplatedMultiContent">{"template": [
                        MultiContentEntryText(pos = (20, 6), size = (20, 60), font = 1, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT | RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1, color = 0x005ea1e4), # Current Service
                        MultiContentEntryText(pos = (40, 4), size = (260, 30), font = 1, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT | RT_VALIGN_TOP, text = 2, color = 0x005ea1e4, color_sel = 0x0016356e), # Servicename
                        MultiContentEntryText(pos = (40, 27), size = (260, 26), font = 2, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT | RT_VALIGN_TOP, text = 3, color = 0x00ffffff, color_sel = 0x00000000), # Eventname
                        MultiContentEntryText(pos = (40, 47), size = (260, 20), font = 3, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT | RT_VALIGN_TOP, text = 5, color = 0x00ffffff, color_sel = 0x00000000), # Eventtime
                        MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaBlend(pos=(310, 5), size=(100, 60), png=6, flags = BT_SCALE) # picon
                 "fonts": [gFont("Regular",22), gFont("Regular",20), gFont("Regular",17), gFont("Regular",16)],
                 "itemHeight": 70
        <ePixmap pixmap="mybuttons/key-exit.png" position="347,595" size="50,24" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
    <!-- record button on channel select -->
    <screen name="RecordTimerQuestion" position="center,center" size="250,120" zPosition="5" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent">
            <ePixmap pixmap="mybackgrounds/recordquestion.png" position="0,0" size="250,120" alphatest="blend" zPosition="-1" />
        <widget name="text" position="0,0" size="0,0" font="Regular;22" />
        <widget name="list" position="10,30" size="230,60" itemHeight="30" font="Regular;18" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" enableWrapAround="1" backgroundColorSelected="skygold" foregroundColorSelected="skydarkblue" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" foregroundColor="white" selectionPixmap="myselectbars/bar-30.png" transparent="1" />
    <!-- remove recording on channel select - 2nd popup-->
    <screen name="RemoveTimerQuestion" position="center,center" size="503,130" zPosition="5">
        <widget name="text" position="0,0" size="0,0" font="Regular;22" />
        <widget name="list" position="10,10" size="220,50" selectionPixmap="myselectbars/bar-30.png" enableWrapAround="1" backgroundColor="messageboxbg" transparent="1" />
        <applet type="onLayoutFinish">self.autoResize()</applet>
Err where is the code checker? when doing my plugin I edited with xml wrench and could have been handy to know rather than waiting for the box to crash lol or doesn't it work the same for python?

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
Added this to ma box and the record and series link icon is shown throughout the recorded list, or is there any amendments I can do to only show it on the actual recorded items and not the full list including the trash can

Damn it! thanks hideout, I did test it out but I have quite a few recordings on my box and I didn't scroll all the way to the bottom haha

Thanks for letting me know - it is coded to just display the picture but i'll have a look at only displaying the image if there is an event there

---------- Post Merged at 07:09 PM ----------

no i just lose ChannelSelection.xml tnx

You've lost the file altogether? How did you manage that?

You can get a default one over at github

Follow the link and scroll doen to, right click on it and Save Target As (Windows) , or Save Link As (Mac)

Then just FTP to /usr/lib/engima2/python/screens
Sorry to be off topic but I've ran some of the mods and now lost the gold EPG colour for the tabs. Anyone tell me which file i've changed and the code to put it back on, thank you all for the time you've all spent on the mods, some clever people on here.
I've been having a little play around with the movie selection screen / planner

I've removed the 'info' and 'menu' buttons at the bottom right

Added in the text 'Press SELECT to view' at the bottom

Added in png file for 'Press i for more' to the left of the mini tv - have tested with long descriptions and it doesn't get in the way :)

Removed the trashcan info

Changed the text at the top from 'All' to 'Recorded'

Added record button on each line, and up/down arrows for official sly look

Lastly, changed 'Recorded Show' on playback to 'Recorded Movie' (this is just my preference as i record mostly movies opposed to tv shows)

Orginal :

View attachment 19672

Modified :

View attachment 19673

I am now trying to shift along the RGYB buttons so they sit in the middle at the bottom, but having trouble finding where the code lives ; I downloaded the default from github but can't find...yet

Files for this mod here

FTP movies.xml to usr/share/enigma2/slyk-1-hd - overwrite existing but create a backup first

FTP button-record-2.png , button-arrow.png , info-mod.png to usr/share/enigma2/slyk-1-hd/myicons

Restart GUI

This is how it is supposed to be:


ok this is where I am at with the toppicks mod

View attachment 19674

it's not finished as frustratingly you can't scrape the required pages. They just kick you out. (there's a shock)

screen 1 - brings in the latest sky cinema images
screen 2 - brings in the latest top dvds from zavvi
screen 3 - is a random cinema
screen 4 - is a random cinema
screen 5 - latest sky cinema
screen 6 - is a random cinema.

overlayed picons are correct for 1,2,5. They are wrong for the others as not worked out yet how to get atlantic and living images. I could just created an offline file but we are trying to automate this.

There are two top picks titles as I am still undecided where to put bouquets/menus. I was just faffing.

All the other layout is pixel pefect. And all template driven so you can hide/show whatever you like.

all my files are in the the following zip. Script has been moved into usr/scripts as this way you can then reassign a button (i.e portal) to to a job run on this script. For testing purposes. It has also been amended for my links and a better randomisation.

I am off out now so I thought I would upload to see if its of any use to anyone who is faffing tonight.

View attachment 19675

Nice work Kiddac,

i'll hold off installing it until you have all the images working and put the bouquet select in but it looks awesome.

One note, you can get rid of the username=toppicks as that was only for the other image transformation site.. not needed for
This is how it is supposed to be:

Once again Chabs you've nailed it on the head with your tweaking , much much better than what i have done haha

I just based mine around this screenshot but was having difficulty with changing some of it, box just kept bootlooping - me + code = error lol


Would you mind sharing the files for this? Thanks
Last edited:
ok this is where I am at with the toppicks mod

View attachment 19674

it's not finished as frustratingly you can't scrape the required pages. They just kick you out. (there's a shock)

screen 1 - brings in the latest sky cinema images
screen 2 - brings in the latest top dvds from zavvi
screen 3 - is a random cinema
screen 4 - is a random cinema
screen 5 - latest sky cinema
screen 6 - is a random cinema.

overlayed picons are correct for 1,2,5. They are wrong for the others as not worked out yet how to get atlantic and living images. I could just created an offline file but we are trying to automate this.

There are two top picks titles as I am still undecided where to put bouquets/menus. I was just faffing.

All the other layout is pixel pefect. And all template driven so you can hide/show whatever you like.

all my files are in the the following zip. Script has been moved into usr/scripts as this way you can then reassign a button (i.e portal) to to a job run on this script. For testing purposes. It has also been amended for my links and a better randomisation.

I am off out now so I thought I would upload to see if its of any use to anyone who is faffing tonight.

View attachment 19675

Nice work Kiddac,

i'll hold off installing it until you have all the images working and put the bouquet select in but it looks awesome.

One note, you can get rid of the username=toppicks as that was only for the other image transformation site.. not needed for
I've ftpd the new files accross but amended it so has the bouquet selector in aswell as the screen name and channel name ran the file and works as it should also

ZGemma H.2s Openvix4.1 Slyk-HD 5.106
Got the Menu screens to change the 1st top left image to the respective selection menu


1_0_1_D7A5_840_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (1).jpg

1_0_1_D7A5_840_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (2).jpg

1_0_1_D7A5_840_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (3).jpg

1_0_1_D7A5_840_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (4).jpg

1_0_1_D7A5_840_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (5).jpg
U got the code for that chabs?
May look better without the gold around the label and pic

ZGemma H.2s Openvix4.1 Slyk-HD 5.106
U got the code for that chabs?
May look better without the gold around the label and pic

ZGemma H.2s Openvix4.1 Slyk-HD 5.106
I will convert the code to go with slyk for you and will upload it with the graphics as this is still on Pli version.

The gold colour is to show the highlighted menu...i think thats the purpose

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Danmed - that shell script for - it finally; finally works for me!! I've had a massive help from 'birdman' on another forum, I won't say which one as per forum rules but it's all working and running fine on my box now.

I don't think it's anything you did wrong in the script, as it has worked for pretty much everybody else, I guess I must be the only member on TK without a Zgemma lol - I've had one before and I do have the Cloud iBox 2 SE in the bedroom but I have the Duo2 as my main receiver downstairs - Zgemma's a great box but the Duo2 for me is preferred

Anyway back on topic; basically using text wrangler on my mac for the script apparently buggers up in one way or another deeming it useless code

Birdman has edited for me and after days of going out of my mind with this, it finally works , tested and all good :)

I'll still update the on github until or if there's a fully automated version for the future, it's a great piece of work on your part, but a few of the images don't seem to downsize correctly; and there's no changes to images for top icons (sky cinema ; sky store) - So I'm using both the python and the shell at the minute

So for anybody that doesn't have a Zgemma, and it doesn't work for you; download the zip in this post and copy the whole zip to /usr/script/toppicks2 (you'll need to create the folders script and toppicks2)

Then telnet into your box and run
cd /usr/script/toppicks2


chmod 777 ./

to check it's working run :

Then create the timer in cron to update once a day and use the command to run as :

---------- Post Merged at 10:51 PM ----------

Got the Menu screens to change the 1st top left image to the respective selection menu

great work Chabs ; your a pro :)


    1.1 KB · Views: 26
Is it possible to get channel name to go into the central column of the menu?

Is it possible to get channel name to go into the central column of the menu?

perhaps this :

        <widget source="Service" render="Label" position="465,82" size="280,28" valign="center" halign="right" font="Regular;25" noWrap="1" zPosition="1" transparent="1" foregroundColor="skyblue" backgroundColor="backgroundtop">
            <convert type="MovieInfo">RecordServiceName</convert>

---------- Post Merged at 01:31 AM ----------

Modified Channel Selection (TV Button) Screen - For Layout 3 (extras.xml) and CrossEPG users

Amendments :

Current Service Time - Changed To 'skygold' colour

Current Service Duration - Changed to 'skygold' colour

Current Service Name - Changed to 'skygold' colour

Now, Next, Later Service Names Rendered Running Text (text runs to left) (for long programme names)

Converted 24HR times on Now, Next, Later to 'SlykHDTime'

Added RGYB Buttons in at bottom of screen

Old Layout 3 with Now , Next , Later :


New Layout :


You may be able to see in the new layout that the next and later services that some of the text is cut of at the end, however they have been amended to scroll to the left :

1_0_1_2842_7FE_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (1).jpg

No Download Needed for this one, just open up your mymods.xml and paste the following code (take out existing if you have it for the below or box may crash):

If you don't have mymods.xml, create mymods.xml and then edit skin.xml to point to it

<!-- channelselection.xml -->	<!-- grantdavey91 modified layout 3 for crossepg users -->
	<screen name="ChannelSelection3">
        <panel name="template3" />
        <panel name="home" />
        <panel name="tv-guide" />
        <!-- tv -->
         <widget source="session.VideoPicture" render="Pig" position="793,140" size="210,122" backgroundColor="transparent" transparent="1" />
	         <eLabel  position="798,145" size="200,112" backgroundColor="transparent" zPosition="4"/>
		<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Label" position="798,235" size="199,14" font="Bold;11" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="transparent" borderWidth="1" borderColor="black" transparent="1" valign="center" halign="center" noWrap="1" zPosition="6">
			<convert type="ServiceName">Name</convert>
        <!-- progress bar -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Progress" position="798,255" pixmap="myprogressbars/progress-200-6.png" size="200,6" backgroundColor="#000f2753" transparent="0" borderWidth="0" zPosition="5">
            <convert type="EventTime">Progress</convert>
        <!-- program time -->
        <eLabel text="Time:" position="1018,145" size="80,18" valign="top" halign="left" font="Regular;16" noWrap="0" transparent="1" foregroundColor="guidecolor" backgroundColor="backgroundtop" zPosition="3" />
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1070,145" size="60,18" foregroundColor="skygold" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="0" zPosition="3">
            <convert type="EventTime">StartTime</convert>
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykHDTime</convert>
                <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1140,145" size="60,18" foregroundColor="skygold" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="0" zPosition="3">
            <convert type="EventTime">EndTime</convert>
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykHDTime</convert>
        <!-- program duration -->
		<eLabel text="Duration:" position="1018,168" size="80,18" valign="top" halign="left" font="Regular;16" noWrap="0" transparent="1" foregroundColor="guidecolor" backgroundColor="backgroundtop" zPosition="3" />
		<widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1110,168" size="90,18" halign="right" valign="top" foregroundColor="skygold" backgroundColor="backgroundtop" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" transparent="1" zPosition="3">
			<convert type="EventTime">Duration</convert>
			<convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykAsLength</convert>
        <!-- picon -->
        <ePixmap position="1018,197" size="100,60" pixmap="mybackgrounds/tv-picon-bg-00.png" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" />
        <widget source="Service" render="Picon" position="1018,197" size="100,60" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" zPosition="2">
            <convert type="ServiceName">Reference</convert>        
        <ePixmap position="798,267" size="386,2" pixmap="div-h.png" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" />
        <!-- now name -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=left,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap"
        		 position="798,274" size="250,24" foregroundColor="skygold" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" noWrap="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NowName</convert>
        <!-- now description -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=top,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap"
                 position="798,298" size="386,90" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="white" valign="top" transparent="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>
        <ePixmap position="798,388" size="386,2" pixmap="div-h.png" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" />
        <!-- next name -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=left,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap"
        		 position="798,393" size="250,22" foregroundColor="guidecolor" font="Regular;18" halign="left" valign="top" Wrap="0" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NextName</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1055,394" size="60,22" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">NextStartTime</convert>
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykHDTime</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1120,394" size="60,22" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">NextEndTime</convert>
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykHDTime</convert>
        <!-- next description -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=top,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap"
                position="798,416" size="386,90" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="white" valign="top" transparent="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">NextDescription</convert>
        <ePixmap position="798,511" size="386,2" pixmap="div-h.png" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" />
        <!-- later name -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=left,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap"
        		 position="798,516" size="250,22" foregroundColor="guidecolor" font="Regular;18" halign="left" valign="top" noWrap="0" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">ThirdName</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1055,517" size="60,22" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="right" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">ThirdStartTime</convert>
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykHDTime</convert>
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="1119,517" size="60,22" foregroundColor="skyblue" font="Regular;16" noWrap="1" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventTime">ThirdEndTime</convert>
            <convert type="SlykClockToText">SlykHDTime</convert>
        <!-- later description -->
        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=top,steptime=100,repeat=0,always=0,oneshot=0,startdelay=7000,wrap"
                position="798,539" size="386,90" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="white" valign="top" transparent="1" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" zPosition="4">
            <convert type="EventName">ThirdDescription</convert>

        <panel name="ListTemplate" />
		<panel name="t2-4RGYB" />
		<panel name="t2-MenuButton" />
		<panel name="t2-InfoButton-pos2" />
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