Massive hdd problem still whooshbuild

Do you have a USB stick you can try instead for a while? You can compare results.

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

Solved the problem more by luck than judgement ( I'm no techie) I shut everything down and unplugged it. The box and the hard drive. Left it overnight and restarted as if it was a new set up. Reinitialised and bingo back came all my disk space.

Ok, I lost all my recordings but I couldn't access them anyway as it was. Now it's working normally again - so Far!..
i had the same issue, you need to check the path on both the recording and timeshift settings and make sure they are going to your HDD.
Ok I checked they are both set to 'media hdd'

I really think this box is the on the way out! Firstly it keeps coming up with a message saying "Creating hardlink to Timeshift file failed. The file system on your Timeshift device does not support hardlinks. Make sure it is formatted in EXT 2 or 3??" I've no idea what that means.

Plus the picture keeps breaking up on FTA channels. It's not my Sat dish as my other TV works fine.
I haven't flashed it. I lost my disk space, got it back, but now it's messing around in other ways. It tells me it's recording but it doesn't. Plus the problems I've already mentioned. If it didn't have a decent IPTV attached, I'd bin the effing thing!