Starview traced by the police and shut down

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I think once the websiite for starview is up the team will let the customers know what the issue is. I have not had issue with them and i will stick via starview

Think we all have to wait. How long dont know
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aye i can tony just on here trying to get info for all my mates who have starview trying to let let them know what is going on and thanx to hiteck for keeping these posts open not like aall the others who have closed them
aye i can tony just on here trying to get info for all my mates who have starview trying to let let them know what is going on

i have no idea what is going on
and havent had anything to do with sv since my account was deleted without warning or explanation
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So what kiddy and starking join the forum,i dont see them actually adding anything to the party, no explanations ,no excuses ,no reasons ,in fact just the same as its been while theyve been hiding for months
when server went down the other week my box was off for weeks so if server had been knicked mine would be off i think its bullshit myself...
thekiddy/starking can you answer me this why are your mods posting that you have a new paypal account and that subs have gone up when you have not got the site back up and running and you have not managed to put boxes back online (the ones that are working have lost just about every channel)
is this another "ask me questions i will tell no lies" routine?
No new info,not even an attempt at a time line after 4/5 MONTHS!!!
havent you people been monitoring this situation?
You do realise youre destroying the brand dont you kiddy/starking?
well i guess they can't lie if they dont respond lol you have got ur usual :butkiss:

and the rest of us left in the dark without a response as usual

but guys all is good we know whats going on so f you customers we have the cash and you haven't a leg to stand on hahahahaaha
why should they answer they have your money now,probably off somewhere counting it,people were warned but took no notice,how many years will it take for the penny to drop? will you resub or move?
well i aint gonna resub problem is got around 30 boxes with family and friends so just trying to keep them informed we all think they won't be back but miracles happen it did once b4 lol
Hi Kiddy, I know AzzA and I also know he IS the one behind the DDOS attacks,he is a very smart guy and unlike some of your ex-friends is not doing this for financial gain.

Let me have a guess: is AzzA a virgin who lives with his mum?
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