Starview users OUR OPINION until channels are back IF EVER.

You remember your quote ?? well let me remind you lol

no need to slag them off now is there i am fully sure people know what they are about at this stage robbing bas***ds lol

fairplay boxt they r a bunch of robbing basxxxds...and like yourself mate i knew all about there crap months and months the picture
Hi new to this site, ex SV would like a recommendation on what to buy now please :)
AS ex SV obvious choice is a Kryptview box...(KV) uses all the stuff your SV does (did..!!).. sorry..shows all the channels...and this is the best subs..did you catch case you missed it... no subs..!! Or Sat side... but know sod all about them but a skybox F3 is what everyones banging on about so it obviously works well and easy to set up..
exactly box t your still spending all your spare time slagging off starview you really need to get out you still live with your parents..dude just let it go and move on
you would say that won't you macrae74 some peeps paid twice you know, and were led by jake knowing that sv were not capable of delivering the goods. i hope jake get's the comeuppance he deserve!!!
you would say that won't you macrae74 some peeps paid twice you know, and were led by jake knowing that sv were not capable of delivering the goods. i hope jake get's the comeuppance he deserve!!!

Yep Jake Willo and box1969 are indeed getting theirs i suspect they are living it up in the pub drinking the subs people where told not to pay. lol
Hi raj raju..they do say a fool and his money are easily parted

---------- Post Merged at 09:26 AM ----------

listen guys didnt you smell a rat when the forum came back on and jake issued that pathetic disclaimer "we are not starview etc etc"if you had have noticed the original paypal account was in the name of j williamsom,,,being no sherlock it must be jake or willo(probably the same person!!)so obviously jake ,willo,kiddy etc were starview.i did not pay any more subs,,yes there was a period when i thought full service would be resumed,,but as you know it hasnt,,so your choices are,,keep waiting or go the sat side or subscribe to sky or virgin,,but as ive said numerous times youve gotta move on and let it go
People are selling these on evilbay advertised with "gift subs"!!!

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macrae74 if u dnt like wats been said about sv why don't you just leave the forum you sv arse licker come on jake willo delete this post if you can you
If knickertwist had read my last post you will see im not a sv a*** licker...knickertwist by name knickers in twist by nature
well at least the poster has stated not all channels may work,so its up to the buyer to know what they are buying.
Im sure the point of these posts was to warn people not to pay and use starview,if your going to say someone is jake or willo dave etc u could put the reasons why so we can all no and that its not just made up.