Where Did You Meet Your Partner?


TK Veteran
Ok this could be a bit of fun, and make quite interesting reading.

I met my hubby in a lift in a hospital lol

I got into the lift, was eyeing up a cute guy on crutches that was in it as well (as you do lol), and he got out on the same floor as me. So i had to hold all the doors open and stuff for him, just to be helpful, and it turned out he was actually in the same ward, in the bed beside the friend i was going to visit.

So my friend introduced us, and the rest is history lol ..........................................
How I met my wife well this is a short one...I was going out with her best friend at the time :grin:
Lets put it this way Eva they say hello to each other about once a year and its mainly a nod of the head lol

Excellent thread by the way should be very interesting (y)
lol how about on a trampoline. went to my elder sisters with my girls and there was this cute hunny with my nieces, been together 3 & a half years now.(y)
You're my hero Had. lol

So are you Moh...that's great. ;)

My wife's best friend is my best mates sister, so we were around each other for years. I thought she was stuck up and she thought i was weird. Turns out, she was right and i wasn't. lol

We will be celebrating our one year anniversary tomorrow. ;)
lol, don`t have a partner,but do have an ex though!
I`m from Dublin,she was from Arlington Texas - met in Berlin (was working in Irish Bar)
Ended up back in Texas for a few years..Go Figure!:ball and chain:

lol! at least i can still sing "all my Exe`s live in Texas!..:whistling:
"I thought she was stuck up and she thought i was weird. Turns out, she was right and i wasn't. " as posted by 7th
I couldn't stop laughing at that 7th brilliant ROFL

Have a good one tomorrow bud i will have that drink for you (y)
Happy Anniversary 7th (y)

Met the love of me life in a pub called The Concorde which some of you might know.
Me mate was going out with her mate, got talking to her & the rest is history :)
One of the original,Childhood Sweethearts,Eva.Junior School,First Communion,Confirmation,
All together,And last but not least Seven wonderful grown up Children,and Ten fantastic
Grandchildren,What a wonderful life.39th Wedding Anniversary last month.
We have our ups and downs,but we get on with it.The other half looking over my shoulder
and gives me the ok to post:):)
Happy Anniversary ally :)
Say Hello to the hubby from me (y) seeing as he`s looking over your shoulder lol
She did not like that NoelylollollollollollolShe is all over the place laughing.Told me to come cleanlollollollollol