Biohead Biohead Image - OpenATV 6.1 with VSkin - Cable only

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After reading through this thread I've noticed 3 other people having the same issue I am with this image but unfortunately didn't see a fix.

Running the ABM scan results in none of the channels working (They just display black).

A full automatic scan needs to be done to get them working (Which is undone each morning with the ABM scan).

After the ABM scan not even the free channels work (BB1 etc).

I'm 99.9% sure I've got or had the right area codes after trying the 3 different preston ones (No others are anywhere close and the one I tried that was next closest resulted in no channels found on ABM).

So at the moment I'm stuck having to do a full automatic scan each morning which takes about 15 minutes, before being able to use the box (My wifes obviously not to happy about this).

Has anyone who's had this same issue been able to fix or find a workaround at all? :beg:

@Billybammy: No. This is for the ZGemma H2H.

@Biff2005: Be careful - recently updates have caused issues. You can always backup to a USB drive then try to update - if it goes wrong you just reflash and you're back to where you were.

@Tigerseye: Are you sure your ABM settings are correct, and that all it is set for the correct region? ABM is region dependant, as well as tuner config.
@Tigerseye: Are you sure your ABM settings are correct, and that all it is set for the correct region? ABM is region dependant, as well as tuner config.

@Biohead: I did indeed have the wrong area code entered (I wrongly assumed it would be one of the ones closest to me).

Thanks for your help
@skullduggery only for the zgemma h2h. It will work on the h2s but a bit pointless as that doesn't have cable tuners.

@gav28uk it's the VM numbering scheme, and numbers are displayed on the Now/Next EPG - but not the main EPG. You can always change that yourself in the settings though.

Hi Biohead, thanks, I've loaded your backup and I must see it's very clean, I like it! I am however unable to get the channel numbers to appear within the main EPG. With the previous Vix image, I could select numbers, picons and service name for the EPG (although numbers never appeared!). With this OpenATV image I don't get the option to have numbers appear within the main EPG. Am I missing something, or is this just not available in the current version?


Openatv doesn't support channel numbers on epg have a search in the h2s section for custommix.xml with channel numbers on epg. I'm not sure how it will work with vm only
Openatv doesn't support channel numbers on epg have a search in the h2s section for custommix.xml with channel numbers on epg. I'm not sure how it will work with vm only

oh ok thanks. I have now downloaded your sat_282_sky_uk_CustomMix.xml, FTP'd it to the /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/custom directory and then renamed it to cable_uk_virgin_CustomMix.xml. I then ran ABM and that placed channel numbers in the EPG :-)

The only downside is that the EPG isn't showing the correct channel numbers. So for example, within the EPG BBC ONE HD is shown as channel 108, however it is really channel 101! BBC TWO HD is shown as channel 162, when it is accessed via 102.

Any thoughts on how I can correct that? I am guessing I could update the XML file to use a different reference number, rather than str(services[section_identifier]["video"][service]["number"] ?

Im out at the moment post in the h2h section with the xml file rather than filling up bioheads thread and I'll have a look at it when I get home

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@BioHead Been a busy day working on your excellent image, I love it! One thing I have noticed in your backup, shortly after flashing my h2h it started to flood my home network today. All internet access ground to a snails pace and effectively stopped all internet access. It turns out a setting within file /usr/keys/mg_cfg was causing the Zgemma to flood the network.

With the image provided mg_cfg file logging was set to L: { 03 } 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log
This server doesn't exist and was clearly upsetting the Zgemma by not being there!

Anyway I updated the file by switching logging off with L: { 00 } then rebooted the machine and so far so good, it is now behaving again. I've also noticed all glitching has also stopped.

I wonder if it might be worthwhile updating your post-install notes to ensure this setting is updated for others out there that may experience the same issue?
Nice spot gav! I'll try to get that changed, but it looks like latest ATV has just trashed my current setup :damn:

Can you give me some advice or anybody else if possible? I have my vm gift and it is laid out like so:


Can you tell me how this should look as a newcamd.list please?

Thanks in advance for anybody that can help me
One more thing, how should the format of the line be made up, is it as below?

Has anybody tried this build on a H5 or do they know if it will work on that please?
Give it a go? Although its a different box, I strongly suspect it has a chance of working simply because the H5 was nothing more than a marketing re-release so zgemma could tout 4K. It's essentially a H2H with a slightly different processor.

It's not 100% exactly the same processor - but it's 99% there. I'd strongly suspect the logic board is identical as the processor is an exact drop in for the one in the H2H - the only thing that may differ is the tuner.
If it doesn't work, your bootloader should still be intact so you won't have bricked the box and can just reflash a new image.
No it will only work on the h2h the h5 has different file types

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Ok thanks dsayers2014. Got your build working on my son's twin sat/cable H2H and works a treat thanks. Got a H5 for a friend who want's to future proof his new 4K tv but wish I'd got H2H now. Hopefully there's more support available for these soon
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