
Any help appreciated, I have today flashed the box, factory reset and rescanned (successfully) however I can still only get FTA channels. Within the installation menu, a new section has appeared "new camd set up". It would appear some extra info is req. can anybody advise what is needed and how to locate?
this is the problem, everyone who has a kv has been used to having "free" access to the channels.

unfortunately for your box to work you will now have to pay for it.

the servers that kv run were included in the price of the box initially, now you will need to connect to a server that kv don't run, so the server costs that your provider incurs have to be paid for somehow.

try here bud, http://www.techkings.org/general-ca...le-pay-server-request-only-91.html#post537789
Any help appreciated, I have today flashed the box, factory reset and rescanned (successfully) however I can still only get FTA channels. Within the installation menu, a new section has appeared "new camd set up". It would appear some extra info is req. can anybody advise what is needed and how to locate?

Please don't hijack someone elses post, read the other KV threads, you will have to buy a new line (Subscription) as the KV is no longer free. Go to the general cable section, look at the anyone recommend a server thread and post in there for prices, etc. read the rules for this thread, they are in the first post.
Thanks both for your advise, I have posted on the advised forum, presumably I will recieve a message with instructions. Thanks again, really appreciated