NEW SMGO2.2.1 Starview Connection FIX

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hi all can anyone recomend a programme that will support/read the smgo file I currently have winRAR but its not changing it to a usable file, I,m new to all this so any help would be grateful.
bobby ive used the downloads before for the last updates but this one just says unknown file format or a corrupt file i need a programme that can read it, ta.
maybe its time to say not to update to latest firmware and after a month of not working people might start reading from post 1,expect this thread will hit 500 easyROFL
Hi Folks, just updated using kiddys link for showmustgoon 2.21 worked for me

Added after 3 minutes:

Anyone know latest you can update with 2.21 and if you dont update by this time is box u.s. mates on holiday wont be back till monday ?
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hi i loaded new sw followed all inst connected ok then went off ie not conn did fact reset ok again switched off when i put on again not connected again any solution or shall i do a fact reset again cheers
one factory reset is enough with new firmware been added,reboot as in power off box modem and router for 30 secs then on,code entered yes? it may need more time to connect.
read the posts on the thread to guide you also

i would suggest to all people to read the info from the mods as my thanks post was deleted:faint::pROFL
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thanks for reply i did fact reset again then enable now on again connected i notice if you turn off then on it takes about a minute to connect also a date has appeared in system info ie 15 november 2011
So what happened about the fix for the new boxes
Kiddy stated it was going to be released yesterday afternoon
has anyone been lucky enough to get a brand new box connected
or are they all saying not registered box
Kiddy please can we have some feedback on this mate
I think kiddie still working on that promise he made yesterday...and its only fair that we all give him alittle more time...
I havent come across any1 whose NEW box has connected yet..and theres alot of those.
Hi...for those boxes that were working on the previous s/w version, I noticed that this version takes a while to connect. Just keep it on SS1 or similar and will eventually (took about a min) come up providing you followed the instructions.

The StarUnview saga continues, hopefully others get connected soon and we get all the channels but this all really has been a nuisance.
can anyone help me every time i try to download the new software i keep getting a message saying 'security token invalied ' can anyone help me plsssss
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