New VU+ (ENIGMA2) Uk Sky Number Channel list (boquet)

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Can I ask a silly question? Why would I choose to have a channel list over autoscan for bouquets? I've just purchased an Octagon Box, won't it search and autoupdate? Is there still need for me to search on these forums for channel lists and then update them? How frequently should I need to do this? Cheers!

at the time i made this channel list they was not a good enough sky number list out to use read post 1
I have reread post 1 and understand now it's tidying the channels up. Thanks for your effort much appreciated and tonight I'm going to install your files thanks once again.
Thanks for your list.
Is there any chance of editing post one with the current list excluding Sly HD ch
i doubt the list can be edited as you want the same lineup,deleting will give wrong info as in post one,people may need to move away from this list??

Hi i'think i'did ftp the file using dream edit but now i'm lost where can i find it in my vu + and how can install it please and i'have put the picon on usb stick like you said how can i install it a swell please?
Hi mate,

could you please drop me a message with the latest sly uk bouqets? i am a newbie and cant get all their channels :(

many thanks for help
how to get a sky nember list on a vu+ solo box

can anyone help? trying to get sky numbers on my channels on the vu + box. I'm a bit of an amutur and would need a step by step guide. Would be greatful for the help. thanks.
or if there is a manual way to do it?
how would someone update frequency for a specific channel yet still keep the list the same? Boxnation for example, isnt the same as in your list anymore.
still working today december 3rd?

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still working today december 3rd?
Does the information on this thread work for all Enigma2 boxes. I've just bought a Technomate Nano 2 Super and loaded the latest VIX image, but now wanting to load a numbered channel list for sky.
Many thanks
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