Hey, just wondering if anyones got any update on the Video on demand? Know there was a court case so all shut down and currently using plex and isn't the same
Any update will be specific to your provider - some have shut down vod subs altogether, some have sourced it elsewhere and sell provide the service.
Nothing wrong with plex use it my self Alot of vod services has gone underground due to recent events regarding a particular service the only thing that let's plex down is its updated when provider can update it not like a vod server where you can st to auto dl when new episode movie is available
before requesting a VOD sub think about what you want. i like a sub with loads of 4k content. The one i am trialing currentley over 1000 4k movies. Most only have a average of 250. However, no point in getting loads of 4k unless you have the device and speeds to play them.