My starview is STILL NOT back on 10/11/12.

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Till I see my box connected I believe no one. I payed my subs at the start of September. Folk have been waiting since July. Still think its bull. It's properly another windup

If true answer me this (kiddy) is it just going to be 1 or 2 boxes per week that gets activated??? Lotta shite if you ask me.
Hi all. My box still working but got no movie ch. my subs are due next month so unless this gets sorted real soon I'm off to buy another box.
whats the sats like i heard the epg on them is crap

PMSL oh the epg works just fine on the commando flashed dm500's and maybe 2 days ahead on many other boxes but the channels work 99% of the time.

You sit there and read your epg while your screens black and the starview team slowly hump you all over a barrel
who cares about the epg my box works a treat i get the sunday papers got a 7 day tv guide in it (skybox f3)

Exactly couldn't believe the logic in his post he'd rather have a full epg and no channels, staring at a black screen must realy screw you up to the point that reading the epg is the first must have thing on the box.
channels with no info on them
make a list of them and write down the mux number bottom left hand corner next to the date
manual search
change mux number to the one with no signal
symbol rate key in your normal number then press ok
qam what ever you use
none taken m8 i got a box that works :woohoo:

Good for you, because the biggest majority of subscribers who are waiting for activation still have blank screens and no hope of normal service returning any day soon despite the odd box miraculously jumping back into life..................allegedly.
Come to think of it, other SV users will soon be joining the ranks of the eternally pissed off, as their boxes also expire and go blank.

That burst of late night activations seems to have gone rather quiet all of a sudden.:whistling:
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