Starview HD Combo firmware and flashing guide.

Starview HD Combo


I have starview hd combo and i flash it

but i dont know in a network it is showing that

in a CS setting...

login is failed error (0)

Please please guide me .
hi all i got sv hd combo loaded software still nothing i heard you have to go to key edit turn auto roll on i dont seem to have this option on mine also it says on one of the pages ccam disconnected any help please
Hi everyone
Just ordered starview combo with lan, now I know there is info on first page but thats old I think, so want to know which is latest firmware at this moment for this box for both satellite(cshare) and cable (cshare+n3)?.
I got satellite card share server subscribtion so I want that working and I want cable working thru starview server.

Please help
If you Google "Star-view HD combo with no mac address"
Should be able to get software to reset your mac address the you can do what the rest of the this forums asks you to do

But you need a laptop with a comms socket & you also need a comms lead to change the mac address

Could have load the software here but the forum will not let
i do use google but i have done this below but the soft ware just does not start and satys on 0% can i ask has any one done this and how log it takes ?

thanx again
ps the software is in down loads as well


You will need:

A computer with a serial port

A Null modem 9 pin serial cable (as used on the starview 1 - 3)

Connect the SV HD to the computer using the serial cable and attach to mains (leave turned off by switch on back)

UNZIP the file downloaded

open HD-200_Download.exe

Choose COM 1 (unless you have connected it to a different port)

Select software (HD300N_SC_RS232_1.bin)

Turn on receiver with rear switch

bar will start counting to 100%


Turn off receiver and back on

P.S. This will also recover 'bricked' SVHD's (if there are any lights still on)

Once complete the receiver will be as factory provided.

If your Starview HD has lost its MAC address this is what you need to do next:

Go to accessory - network - ip config

Set IP to manual

You can now edit the MAC address back to the original receivers address - Your mac address is on a sticker inside the receiver (you can see it through the vents on the top)

apply then exit.
hi guys, ive just bought a new starview hd combo+. do i just need to use GrooveRider_HD_Combo_+_1214.uad to flash my box or do i also need boot v0021 or is boot v0021 only used on the starview hd combo? does grooverider only pick up the satelite channels as opposed to carling+ only picking up the cable channels?

I've done it the way you described & it took me around 15 mins?

When you ran the software did the software find the comms port that you connect the comms lead too? If this doesnot happen the software does hang
ok tried at my house and software to work cheers

just got to get mac off board now (sorted)

smiha load GrooveRider_HD_Combo_+_1214.uad then carling + should be july 2010
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People I am stuck. I've looked at your posts and I have downloaded the groove file and the carling and got the key edit to come on but still every channel is saying scrambled and my modem isn't flashing. Need help as I feel sick.
System info shows:
Model name: grooveridercombo+
software version: verf4.00,ldr:ver00.21
Hardware version: ver01.20
last update: dec 12 2009
Is this right???
Tipoly have you made sure that a: your ip addy is configured and b: have you selected ustream and registered the unit. Try menu-accessories-network-cs net- and make sure its status is connected if not press register if that dont work check ip config aint blank also your firmware may not be upto date mine is carling+ not grooveridercombo+ dated may 2010. I think the file you need will be carling+_0712.uad. You will find links to the file around here but god help you downloading it.
Ip addy? There are numbers in the ip setup but that's on auto. As for the part where you go network-cs net I can't see that? I did the carling file 1st but then couldnt put the 8989 in. Totally stuck thanks for helping me tho.
Tipoly have you made sure that a: your ip addy is configured and b: have you selected ustream and registered the unit. Try menu-accessories-network-cs net- and make sure its status is connected if not press register if that dont work check ip config aint blank also your firmware may not be upto date mine is carling+ not grooveridercombo+ dated may 2010. I think the file you need will be carling+_0712.uad. You will find links to the file around here but god help you downloading it.

The majority of members do not have a problem downloading files from here so I do not understand the "god help you downloading it."

Could have been an add on that was affecting you, as I said, post your problem in the forum and you will get help rather than using the "contact us" link.

Have u tried both side (set and cable) are both side working fine?

ok tried at my house and software to work cheers

just got to get mac off board now (sorted)

smiha load GrooveRider_HD_Combo_+_1214.uad then carling + should be july 2010